The warm months of summer are not complete without a bowl of cherries to sweeten (or sour) things up. Cherries are related to plums, peaches and nectarines. Cherries have a limited growing season so lovers must take advantage! There are two main types of cherries, sweet and sour: montgomery are the best known sour cherries […]
To Weigh or Not to Weigh Yourself
Scales have become as common in bathrooms as sinks. Many people weigh themselves each morning before they even brush their teeth. The media has popularized studies that have shown the benefits of weighing oneself daily in order to promote weight maintenance. For some people it can be obsessive and intrusive to have to start each […]
A is for Avocado
Think of avocados and the first word that probably comes to mind is guacamole. But an avocado is a fruit with much more to offer. Avocados are a good source of vitamin K, dietary fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin A vitamin C, folate and copper. Avocados are also a good source of potassium: they actually are […]
Get Keen on Quinoa
For a diet rich in whole grain and variety, try adding quinoa to your menu. Quinoa, pronounced keen-wah, is often referred to as the mother of all grains since it sustained the people of the Andes Mountains for more than 5,000 years. Quinoa is a complete protein supplying all eight of the essential amino acids […]
All About Beans
Beans are a nutritious and economical choice for anyone wishing to eat a healthier diet as well as looking to get a little extra protein. With so many varieties of beans and preparation methods available, you are sure to find a few recipes that work well for you and your family. Learn about shopping, storing, […]
Proposed Tax on Sugary Beverages: Great Idea or Fatal Flaw?
The other day while turning on the television a commercial featuring several health care providers including a registered dietitian caught my eye. The selected professionals were advocating a sugar beverage tax as a way to curb the obesity epidemic in our population–but will this work? Are sugar-laden beverages exclusively to blame? What about diet drinks […]
Stabilize Your Diet…..Stabilize Your Mood
It is fascinating to me how you really are what you eat. We have all heard of the effects diet can have on disease prevention and management; for example eat less trans fat to lower your cholesterol. Less is spoken about how diet can manipulate and control your mood. Believe it or not this is very […]
Understanding Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is structured around the belief that people need to trust themselves enough to believe that they will eat what and how much food they need. Very few people are able to handle a traditional diet as a temporary or flexible plan, and they instead become embroiled in an endless cycle of dieting, binging, […]